Thursday 10 March 2016

Easy solution to resolve SQL Error 8940

Apparently, you are reading the right post if looking for solution to resolve SQL Error 8940. No wonder, SQL is the most popular and widely used database and it is well known fact that SQL server database store basically information in the form of tables. Any error in table make data inaccessible after which you start receiving several unknown error. So, in order to check inconsistencies and to provide better working environment, DB administrator run consistency check on tables which is done by using DBCC CHECKTABLE command. But many times it happens that it fails to rectify problems and gives headache to resolve SQL Error 8940. But it's not a big deal, it can be easily resolved. SQL Error 8940 error normally occurs due to hardware problems implies that 4-byte aligned condition doesn’t contain the structure that defined at address. So, to fix the SQL Error 8940 you have to perform hardware diagnostics, If you found no problems with hardware then, you need to have to restore the database with valid backup. If situation continues to same you must try MS SQL Database Repair software, an ultimate solution to resolve SQL Error 8940.  


  1. Thanks a lot for this amazing post. I repaired SQL database successfully by the amazing tool that I got from this link.
